Saturday, April 9, 2011

How to Pay No Taxes

Bloomberg: Eleven shelters, dodges, and rolls—all perfectly legal—used by America's wealthiest people.

The Internet Tax Mirage : Politicians drive online commerce—and revenue—out of state.

The biggest false claim is that e-commerce will bankrupt states. This is what retailers and state legislatures said after the Quill decision, but sales tax receipts soared in the decade afterward. The most important influence on state tax receipts is economic growth, and revenues in some states are already returning to their pre-recession peaks.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Maine Town Declares Food Sovereignty

Sedgwick, Maine has done what no other town in the United States has done. The town unanimously passed an ordinance giving its citizens the right “to produce, process, sell, purchase, and consume local foods of their choosing.” This includes raw milk, locally slaughtered meats, and just about anything else you can imagine. It’s also a decided bucking of state and federal laws.

Booker T. Washington

The sister of my friend Claudia Anderson wrote a blog post inspired by Ed's "Quotation of the Day", based on BTW's birthday, today.  The QOTD is pasted in it's entirety below. Apologies for the formatting - I'm too lazy to fix it.  

(Ed is my "significant other")

No race can prosper till it learns that there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in
     writing a poem. 

                                         - Booker T. Washington
                                           (Up from Slavery)

             In all things that are purely social we [black and white] can be as separate as the
      fingers, yet one as the hand in all things essential to mutual progress. 

                                         - Washington 
                                           (speech at the Cotton States and International
                                           Exposition, Atlanta, 18 September 1895)  

             No man, who continues to add something to the material, intellectual, and moral
      well-being of the place in which he lives, is left long without proper reward.

                                         - Washington

             As nearly as any man I have ever met, Booker T. Washington lived up to Micah's
      verse, "What more doth the Lord require of thee than to do justice, have mercy, and
      walk humbly with thy God."

                                         - Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919)
                                           (quoted in Stokes, A Brief Biography of
                                           Booker T. Washington)

     (Today is the 155th anniversary of the birth of Afro-American educator Booker T[aliaferro]
     Washington (1856-1915), born a slave in Franklin County, VirginiaWashington worked
     in salt furnaces and coal mines after the Civil War before gaining an education at the
     Hampton Institute and becoming an instructor there.  In 1881, he founded the normal and
     industrial school for Afro-Americans at Tuskegee, Alabama that later became the Tuske-
     gee Institute, at one time the leading educational institution for black Americans.  An able
     orator, Washington believed fervently in economic independence as a necessary precursor
     to achieving full racial equality, and for this reason he was often criticized as what would
     now be called an "Uncle Tom" by other early black leaders.  Sadly, he seems largely for-
     gotten today, although I recall that during my youth he was revered as a leading exemplar
     of the power of education for African-American progress.  He is supposed to have noted,

                                  "No man can hold another man down in the ditch
                                   without remaining down in the ditch with him.")   

         Booker T. Washington:


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Pakistani columnist: Japanese quake/tsunami was really US nuclear attack

Memri:  renowned Pakistani columnist Nusrat Mirza accused the U.S. of artificially causing the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan, calling the radiation leaks resulting from damage to nuclear plants the U.S.'s "second nuclear attack" on the Japanese nation.

Additionally, Nusrat Mirza argued that the world will have to decide that the 2005 earthquake in Pakistan, the 2010 Pakistani floods, the 2004 tsunami in Indonesia, and the 2011 Japanese earthquake-cum-tsunami were all artificially caused by the U.S., possibly through the use of HAARP technology at a scientific research center in Alaska.