Union curbs rescue a Wisconsin school district

Washington Examiner: for one beleaguered Wisconsin school district, it's a godsend, not a disaster.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Despite Congressional Ban, HUD Still Funneling Tax Dollars To ACORN

Big Government: ACORN is restructuring in time to help re-elect President Obama in 2012. Obama used to work for ACORN and represented the group in court as its lawyer.

The impending Dutch ban on Kosher slaughter

Spengler: Given that kosher slaughter is mandated in order to prevent animal suffering... it would be a bitter irony indeed if the Netherlands, which first established religious freedom in the modern world, were to destroy Jewish life within its borders by prohibiting Jews from sanctifying life through kashrut - all in the specious pursuit of animal welfare.

Veterans Allege VA Censoring Prayer

HOUSTON - Local veterans say the Department of Veterans Affairs is consistently censoring their prayers, banning them from saying the words "God," and "Jesus" during funeral services at Houston National Cemetery.

'Singing penis' sets noise record for water insect

BBC Nature : The insect makes the sound by rubbing its penis against its abdomen in a process known as "stridulation".

Americans Corrupted by the Welfare State

WSJ: Entitlements corrupt, and Medicare and Social Security corrupt absolutely.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Amazon to cut off California-based Web affiliates


Amazon.com Inc. said Wednesday that it will stop working with online affiliates based in California since the state passed a new rule that forces online retailers to collect sales tax there.

The rule requires online retailers such as Amazon to collect sales taxes if they have in-state affiliates.