Saturday, August 20, 2011

PETA to launch porn site

The domain operator administering the .xxx domain is accepting early applications from brand owners who want control over their names. ICM Registry says it has received over 900,000 "expressions of interest" from companies that want to preregister their trademarks or block others from snapping them up to create, say, a or
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals also signed up. However, instead of blocking its name, said PETA spokeswoman Lindsay Rajt, the organization will launch as a pornography site that draws attention to the plight of animals.

Yum... Tobacco That Melts In Your Mouth

 In an era of proliferating smoking bans and less social acceptance of the habit, the industry has had to transform, he says. "They meet societal expectations," says Smith. "There's no second-hand smoke, there's no spitting, and with dissovables, there's no cigarette-butt litter."

Must read! Thomas Sowell: Social Degeneration Parts 1-3

Click here to read Part I.

Click here to read Part II.

A few quotes:

A recent study in England found 352,000 households in which nobody had ever worked. Moreover, two-thirds of the adults in those households said that they didn't want to work. As in America, such people feel both "entitled" and aggrieved.

In both countries, those who have achieved less have been taught by the educational system, by the media and by politicians on the left that they have a grievance against those who have achieved more. As in the United States, they feel a fierce sense of resentment against strangers who have done nothing to them, and lash out violently against those strangers.

The need to bring people down in humiliation that marked the mass violence against the Armenians in Turkey nearly a century ago, and that later marked the Nazi persecutions of the Jews in Germany, is still alive and well in people who resent those who have achieved more than they have.

Click here to read Part III.

A few quotes:

In both England and in the United States, whole generations have been fed a steady diet of grievances and resentment against society, and especially against others who are more prosperous than they are. They get this in their schools, on television, on campuses and in the movies. Nothing is their own fault. It is all "society's" fault.

Our elites often advise us to learn from other countries. They usually mean that we should imitate other countries. But it may be far more important to learn from their mistakes -- the biggest of which may be listening to fashionable nonsense from the smug intelligentsia.

These countries show us where that smug nonsense leads. It may be a sneak preview of our own future.

Tuscan friars ask God to give diarrhea to bible thief

A group of Franciscan friars furious at the theft of bibles from their church in Florence have taken the unusual step of praying for the thief to be struck down by diarrhea.

Indiana school voucher program passes court challenge

In declining to halt the law, Keele wrote that the Indiana Supreme Court has long understood it's up to the General Assembly – not the courts, taxpayers or school corporations – to decide how Indiana children should be educated. In a ruling two years ago, the state's highest court also said education policy was a political question off limits to judicial intervention.