How Shakespearean are you?

In it you copy and paste some text into the tool, then "your words will be compared with all the words used by Shakespeare in his plays and our verdict will be delivered on its Shakespearean content."

Spengler's new book "How Civilizations Die"

Reviewed at Forbes.

For Goldman demography is almost destiny.  He argues that demographics shed light on the rise and fall of nations, tribes, and civilizations... This leads him to one of his “universal laws,” namely, that “The history of the world is the history of humankind’s search for immortality.”  A large part of the book is about the intricate ways in which this law interacts with demographic changes, and sheds light on national/tribal destinies from antiquity to our days.

"How Civilizations Die"at Amazon.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Don’t Forget Obamacare

Start passing House bills to repeal individual provisions.

At the Weekly Standard.

Rainbow Poo sing-along

Rainbow Poo San is the result of eating one color candy at the time, creating rainbow layers in your belly!