Friday links

Thomas Edison’s To Do List From 1888.

New use for bacon #n (where n is some large number) – pack your nostrils to fix nosebleeds.

Video: Excellent Rube Goldberg machine.

The Science of Sword-Swallowing.

eBay item du jour: Moby Dick typed on toilet paper.

Gallery: Insect photography.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

@NRO Inside the Obamacare Spin Zone

Obamacare is under siege at this point. It is on shaky ground legally. It’s opposed by a plurality of voters. And there’s no real plan in view for actually implementing it, even if it were to survive the various challenges coming its way.

When men go to war, blame their sex drive

Well, duh.  Study proves the blindingly obvious.  To women, anyway.

From football thugs clashing on the terraces to soldiers killing each other on the front line, most conflict can be blamed on the male sex drive, a study suggests.

The review of psychological research concludes that men evolved to be aggressive towards ‘outsiders’, a tendency at the root of inter-tribal violence.

It emerged through natural selection as a result of competition for mates, territory and status.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Spengler: Failed treasury auction portends Egyptian disaster

Investors bought less an a third of the 3.5 billion Egyptian pounds (US$580 million) worth of Treasury bills offered to the market on January 22, a red flag warning that Egypt's foreign exchange position is close to the brink.

Yields on Egyptian government debt maturing in nine months jumped to nearly 16%, but the government could not place its local-currency debt to Egyptian investors, even at that exorbitant rate. 

At Asia Times.