Get compensated for bone marrow

Donation through a process similar to blood donation, called peripheral blood stem cell apheresis, can be compensated because those cells are no longer regarded as organs or organ parts as defined in the National Organ Transplant Act.  That act bans compensation.

Crispy Tauntaun

The new Epic Meal Time video is Star Wars themed.  Language NSFW

Butt Acne Clearing Lotion

Clear your rear.

If I'd ever given any thought to this, which I haven't, I would have assumed that the same stuff that worked on your other cheeks would work for this problem, too.

UK will use supermarket card data to check your eating habits

People who buy too much alcohol, fatty foods or sugary drinks would be targeted with 'tailored' health advice under plans being considered by the Coalition.

With more children than ever dangerously overweight, parents could also be contacted if their bills show they are not giving their offspring a balanced diet from their weekly shop.

Cutting obesity-related illness would help the NHS save billions.