The Onion: Sadly, Nation Knows Exactly How Colorado Shooting's Aftermath Will Play Out

While admitting they "absolutely hate" the fact they have this knowledge, the nation's 300 million citizens told reporters they can pinpoint down to the hour when the first candlelight vigil will be held, roughly how many people will attend, how many times the county sheriff will address the media in the coming weeks, and when the town-wide memorial service will be held.

Restaurant to avoid

The Beijing Penis Restaurant doesn't just serve cock. You can get Stewed Deer Face. Sheep fetus in brown garlic sauce. Peacock claws. (maybe NSFW)

Jonah Goldberg on "you didn't build that"

This is the great irony of Obama and his defenders. He is a progressive ideologue and a passionate believer in “social justice,” and that’s a large reason why his fans love him so. But if you ever say that he is what he is — if you take his words seriously — they ridicule you for believing he’s anything other than a pragmatist and a moderate.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Thomas Sowell on the Pious Talk about Giving Back

Making the absurd sound not only plausible, but inspiring and profound.

And this: Freedom is seldom destroyed all at once. More often it is eroded, bit by bit, until it is gone. This can happen so gradually that there is no sudden change that would alert people to the danger. By the time everybody realizes what has happened, it can be too late, because their freedom is gone.

via Carpe Diem

Allies hoping for Obama loss

Those abroad who help the United States the most economically and in national defense think matters will improve drastically with change in the White House.

Romney, Obama Tied in Virginia

Per Quinnipiac: deadlocked 44 – 44 compares to a 50 – 42 lead for Obama on March 20 and a 47 – 42 Obama lead June 7.

via The Corner.

Wednesday links

You can yell at a bum for 50 cents/minute

Gallery of Lenticular Clouds.

19 Regional Words All Americans Should Adopt Immediately.

What are the optimal siege tactics for taking Magic Kingdom's Cinderella Castle?  Read the comments section.

Ray Bradbury’s predictions fulfilled.

7-Eleven selling mashed potatoes and chicken gravy from Slurpee machines.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Sad Readers

Links and trivia here: Donald J. Sobol, the creator of Encyclopedia Brown, passed away on July 11 at the age of 87.

Sierra Club Sues to Stop Offshore Drilling, and Guess Who Is Funding the Defense

Article and links at PJM: A little known US law called the Equal Access to Justice Act, signed by President Jimmy Carter in 1980, allows the groups to use lawsuits against government as revenue sources. When they sue, the government has to incur the costs of defending itself against the lawsuits, and also picks up the expenses for the groups suing the government.

via Newsalert.

Brilliant, excellent Hiawatha parody

This must have been a huge effort.

One of the verses:

Far from loving fields and flowers
And the odor of the forest
As one reads in all the textbooks
Hiawatha hated woodlands
And the animals one finds there,
Whom he felt were always pooping,
And the plants the critters fed on
Down in dank and swampy bottoms,
Nearly perfect grounds for breeding
Mighty hordes of great mosquitoes
Who were always lean and hungry
And equipped with maps and radar
Could detect where you were hiding
To inflict their bites and torments,
With their sneaky friends the black flies,
And their angry friends the green flies,
And the rocks ensnared by tree roots
That existed just to trip you
And would look improved as concrete
In foundation for a condo.

Effect of Shakespeare on EEGs

The Shakespeared brain: powerful writing can literally change the ways in which we think

Cannibal cuisine update

Soup made from the penises of evil sorcerers.

Key quote: "the cannibalism [of this group] goes beyond the local culture."