R.I.P. Neil Armstrong, First Person to Set Foot On the Moon

Neil Alden Armstrong, spacecraft commander of NASA's Apollo 11 mission and the first person to walk on the Moon, has died at 82.

Semen: Nature's antidepressant?

A new study by researchers at SUNY Albany claims to have identified an unexpected weapon against depression: Unprotected sex. Apparently, semen is rich in chemicals that help increase a partner's happiness, mood, and even quality of sleep.

Inside an Abandoned Soviet Submarine

This Foxtrot B-39 (U 475) Russian submarine was apparently built in 1967 and operated through several decades of the Cold War before it was decommissioned in 1994.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Marine forced into a psychiatric ward for anti-government Facebook postings freed from the hospital

The Circuit Court judge dismissed the case against Brandon Raub, who had been detained by government officials and transferred to a VA Hospital in Salem, Va., earlier this week. The judge called the petition to continue Raub's forced detention “so devoid of any factual allegations that it could not be reasonably expected to give rise to a case or controversy.”

Here's the previous post.

Can states go after Corzine if Obama administration won’t?

Hot Air has links and comments, including a video of Rick Santelli and James Koutoulas discussing it.

Per Koutoulas, "Eric Holder's Dept of Justice is the biggest enabler of financial crime in US history."

Pigs Depicted Having Sex Doggy-Style In Chinese Public Square Are Said To Represent Filial Piety

"Some people’s minds have not been corrupted by the unseemly elements of our indecorous times. They glimpse a work of art such as this and think of the lessons a mother can pass to her child, who is not at all uncomfortable with her exposed tit. Um. PIETY.

By unseemly elements, by the way, I mostly mean liberals, but also pranksters, and middle-aged men who have lost hope, and those young people who know not what they do, and vagabonds who have slipped through society’s cracks, and fallen women, and criminals of blue or white collars, and the irreligious, and factory workers, and that guy I saw drinking a beer on the street with red meat on a plate in front of him, and girls who smoke, and those who enjoy watching the world burn. Constantly in the gutter, is it any surprise they reek of impropriety and egomania, and threaten to drag the rest of us into their sordid lair?

These rotten apples would never look upon this sculpture in Zhengzhou, Henan province and think of “a young pig giving his mother a back massage."

via BoingBoing.

Spanish fresco restoration botched by helpful elderly amateur

An elderly parishioner has stunned Spanish cultural officials with an alarming and unauthorized attempt to restore a prized Jesus Christ fresco. 

"The once-dignified portrait now resembles a crayon sketch of a very hairy monkey in an ill-fitting tunic."

Justice Dept to affirmatively recruit dwarfs and those with “psychiatric disabilities” or “severe intellectual disabilities.”

Via Jonah Goldberg, who says, "Insert Eric Holder joke here."

The PJ Tatler has obtained documents from the Justice Department detailing efforts to recruit attorneys and staff who are dwarfs or who have “psychiatric disabilities” or “severe intellectual disabilities.” On May 31, 2012, Assistant Attorney General Tom Perez issued a directive to affirmatively recruit people with these “targeted disabilities.”

This DOJ policy does not merely involve prohibitions against discrimination, but rather the documents reveal deliberate recruitment efforts to hire as attorneys and staff for the Department of Justice people suffering from psychiatric disorders and intellectual disabilities. Moreover, applicants can “self-identify” their disability by means of the “Standard Form 256, Self Identification Disability.”

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Virginia veteran detained for posting anti-government messages on Facebook

A former Marine involuntarily detained for psychiatric evaluation for posting strident anti-government messages on Facebook has received an outpouring of support from people who say authorities are trampling on his First Amendment rights.

The evolutionary history of dragons, illustrated by a scientist

An evolutionary ecologist has created a dragon phylogeny, or evolutionary tree: the best part is his elaborate explanation of how he came up with the evolutionary relationships between different species and families of mythical beasts.

German wind and solar power: Grid Instability Has Industry Scrambling for Solutions

Sudden fluctuations in Germany's power grid are causing major damage to a number of industrial companies. While many of them have responded by getting their own power generators and regulators to help minimize the risks, they warn that companies might be forced to leave if the government doesn't deal with the issues fast.

Waste and abuse at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Breaking news: the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau wastes piles of taxpayer money on ludicrous nonsense, just like every other organ of our bloated government.

Read the whole thing, but here's a couple of highlights:

$479,354 for sign language translation services for two “entry level employees.”

Starting salaries at the agency exceeded Office of Personnel Management standards by up to 90 percent.  Judicial Watch adds that “a dozen new hires take home more than $225,000 a year, while a student intern was paid $51,620 ‘through completion of education & study.’”

Back to School: The Rise of Customized Education

Hybrid schooling: piecing together education from parents, TV, district and university teachers, parent co-ops, and online providers.

I have 7 grandchildren, and 5 of them (so far) are homeschooled.

How One Texas County Fakes Crime Statistics to Make the Border Look Safe

Federal grant money creates an incentive for local law enforcement to falsify their crime statistics. The fake stats tell a story that ends up benefiting the local agencies that clamor for the grants, while helping Washington sell its story that the border is safer than it really is.

Monday links

Jumbo fingerprints made from random stuff.

France in the Year 2000 is a series of futuristic pictures issued in France in 1899, 1900, 1901 and 1910. Also, SF Writers Predict the 2012 Future, from 1987.

Gallery: Caravanserai – Staging Posts of the Desert.

Cooking with Power Tools

Flamingos have erectile tissue in their mouths. Related: Want to persuade Flamingos to mate? Play them Barry White and Marvin Gaye.

91 year old takes controls of rare two-seat aircraft 70 years after he first flew one in WWII.

Universal Mediocrity: Why do Britons like their sub-par health-care system so much?

Popular satisfaction vs measures of actual achievement.

The average Briton is unlikely to know that the NHS ranked worst for five-year survival rates in cervical, breast, and colon cancer.  By contrast, the average Briton knows that if he suffers a heart attack, he will be taken to the hospital and connected to a lot of machines, from which he concludes that he is having the best possible treatment.

State Stereotypes Using Google Autocomplete

Clever map of US state stereotypes, using Google Autocomplete to fill in "Why is [state X] so..."

via Geekpress.

What if Hemingway or Oscar Wilde wrote The Lord of the Rings?

Alternative authors' versions of Lord of the Rings.

Matt Groenig, A.A. Milne, Andrew Lloyd Weber, James Joyce, Rudyard Kipling and others, including:

Hemingway - Frodo Baggins looked at the ring. The ring was round. It was a good ring. The hole at the heart of the ring was also round. The hole was clean and pure. The hole at the heart of the ring had an emptiness in it that made Frodo Baggins remember the big skies of the Shire when his father had taken him out and taught him to tear the heads off the small, furred things that walked there, even though he hated blood in those days and the stink of the blood was always part of the emptiness for him then and ever after.

via io9.

Court rejects challenge to EPA E15 ethanol

Rejected not on merit but on standing - per the court those who brought the challenge didn't have the right to do so, so there's still hope.

Here's an report on the problems with engine durability with E15.

Smarter Fuel Future has provided you with a helpful graphic detailing just what the real cost of E15 will be to consumers, including a reminder that by 2022 (10 years) the goal is E40.

Steyn knocks one out of the park: Obama's The Man With No Plan

Underneath the poseur narcissism, the half-wit demagoguery, and the 13-figure innumeracy is bleak reality: a flatline economy, underwater property, declining social mobility, half the population getting a check each month from the government and with minimum-wage service jobs as the only alternative to long-term dependency.

If you seriously think this election is about gay marriage or affordable contraception, you’re about to do to America what Gavrilo Princip did to the Habsburg Empire.