Friday, July 4, 2014

Mick Jagger promo for the new Monty Python shows: "bunch of wrinkly old men trying to relive their youth"

Mick Jagger makes fun of himself and the Stones in this promo for the new series of shows that the remaining members of Monty Python are putting on:

And since Mick mentions it, here's the story of Monty Python's 'Dead Parrot Sketch', with bonus Maggie Thatcher.

via Sploid.

4th of July links

Independence Day links: the most bad-ass founding fathers, forgotten founding fathers, how news reports of independence spread in 1776, Independence Days from sci-fi, and the top 10 movies for today. And for inspiration: the full text of the Declaration of Independence, excellent speeches from Coolidge (1926) and Reagan (1986) and (my favorite) from Lincoln in 1858: "Let us stick to it then. Let us stand firmly by it then."

Videos: The Science of Fireworks and of Barbecue.

PBS's description of various fireworks effects, and a quiz.

America The Beautiful: the story of the song.

ICYMI, Monday's links are here, and include a map of the hometowns of Marvel superheros, the science of mermaids and of chocolate chip cookies, and a video showing how to peel an entire bag of potatoes in under a minute.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Video: This Groomsmen Wedding Dance Surprise is a hoot

A sense of humor goes a long way in a marriage, as does a sense of rhythm:

via GMA

First clip from Sharknado: The Second One, in which a shark catches a NYC subway train

Sharknado was, of course, set in LA, but Sharknado 2: The Second One takes place in Manhattan, and will show on the SyFy channel on July 30. And as you scoff, bear in mind that there are (at least) five actual instances of animal tornadoes, including Gatornado.

Too late for Father's Day, but for the next appropriate occasion (or just because you want one), here's a Sharknado Action Figure.

Related posts:

Cell phone video of the filming of Sharknado 2 in the streets of New York

This trailer for Zombeavers makes Sharknado look realistic and well acted.

This will be bigger than Sharknado: Monster vs Machine - Mega Shark Vs Mecha Shark (Trailer)

Old and busted: SharknadoNew and hot: SharkNATO

Ruby Slippers for the Sharknado/Wizard of Oz Crossover

10 Movies to Watch if You Loved Sharknado

Monday, June 30, 2014

Impressive infographic: “No Boy Left Behind?” What happens to make boys leave the school system

Tom Mortenson is a name known in boys’ advocacy for his document “For every 100 girls.” It was a kind of groundbreaking statistical compilation of where boys were at in terms of educational attainment and well-being before boys’ education sites became more prevalent. The folks at Top Masters in have created an impressive infographic which translates Mortenson’s compiled data into a visual aid.

via Instapundit

Monday links

June 30, 1934 was the Night of the Long Knives, Hitler's purge of those standing in his way.

Bake the Best Chocolate Chip Cookies by Knowing What to Tweak.

ICYMI, Friday's links are here, including Star Trek technologies moving from scifi to science fact, cutest animal parenting photos, buffalo bodypainting, and calculating the amount of real dinosaur in a plastic dinosaur.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

How to Peel an Entire Bag of Potatoes in Under a Minute

All you need are a hose, a bucket, a drill, and a cheap toilet bowl brush (hopefully new):

And here's a step-by-step instructional video (in Norwegian, but self-explanatory) that shows you how to make your own. As Food Hacks points out, you should make sure your handle is a longer than this so you don't get any water in your cordless drill (I got this one for Mother's Day, by the way).