Friday, October 16, 2015

Friday links

Early- to mid-20th century visions of sex in the future.

Lessons from the Sioux in How to Turn a Boy Into a Man.

The history of Oktoberfest is much bigger than beer.

For Rita Hayworth's birthday: this compilation of her dancing scenes set to Stayin' Alive will make your day.

Images Of A Young André, Before He Became The Giant.

How Soviets used IBM Selectric keyloggers to spy on US diplomats.

ICYMI, Monday's links are here, and include footage of Teddy Roosevelt's first airplane flight in 1910,  Columbus Day links, every Girl Scout catalog from 1917 to 2015, and a supercut of technology breaking down, then being beaten until it works again.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Early- to mid-20th century visions of sex in the future

Robot boyfriends:
Click here to embiggen
From 1933 - 100 years in the future the State may control all mating, with eugenics the chief thought in mind:
Click to embiggen

The Future: Electronic Mating. A look into the more rational marriage choice of the future:


SPACE: the final, full-frontal frontier… the last hurrah… to go where no man has ever gone before, the forbidden and yet insidiously alluring planet of NYMPHON in the second quadrant of PHI DELTA PUBIS, hard by the tumescent moons of GLUTEON MAXIMUS:

More at Flashback, some of which is NSFW.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Monday links

ICYMI, Friday's links are here, and include a dragon-centric visual effects reel from season 5 of Game of Thrones, making instant "aged" bourbon out of the cheap stuff, a flowchart of medieval penitent sex, and how butt dials account for 20% of San Francisco's 911 calls.

Watch footage of Teddy Roosevelt's first airplane flight, October 11, 1910

On October 11, 1910 Teddy Roosevelt (wiki) became the first president (well, ex-president at the time) to fly in an airplane. The Library of Congress has footage:

From the following day's New York Tribune:

The aeroplane sped quickly around the field at a height of less than one hundred feet. It made the first lap of a mile and a half before news percolated through the crowd that Mr. Roosevelt was Hoxsey’s passenger. When he swept past the grandstand he leaned forward a bit and waved his hands. The spectators seemed frightened and remained silent, watching the aeroplane intently.
The flying machine sped by and made the turn for the second lap. Hoxsey could be seen to bend over and shout something into Mr. Roosevelt’s ear. The engine cracked regularly, hurling the aeroplane forward at a speed of nearly a mile a minute, but from the ground it looked as though it were travelling much slower because it sailed so evenly and smoothly. There was not a breath of wind, and the engine did not miss fire once.
Via UPI, 
Here's Aviator Hoxsey's story of Roosevelt's daring trip:
"President Lambert of the St. Louis Aero club introduced me to Roosevelt. Lambert said something about my trip from Springfield. Roosevelt said he envied me. 'Here's your chance,' I said to him.
'"All right,' said Roosevelt, 'but let's not make too much fuss about it.'
"Roosevelt was on the machine before I was. He was bareheaded. A newspaperman gave him a cap and he said 'let 'er go.' We started.
"I didn't look at Roosevelt until I felt the machine wiggle. He was waving at the crowd. We were up about 150 feet.
"'Be careful not to pull any of those strings,' I warned him. He was sitting directly underneath the valve cord of the engine and the engine would have stopped had he touched it.
"'Nothing doing,' he shouted back, showing his teeth. The propeller made so much noise we had to shout.
h/t Paleofuture