Friday, July 28, 2017

Friday links

It's Beatrix Potter's birthday: in addition to Peter Rabbit et al, she produced some gorgeous botanical drawings.

The Proper Names of 17 Bodily Functions.

Some examples of bad taxidermy.

Medieval Fashion Trends.

Meet the Woman Behind New York’s 1800s School For Crooks.

ICYMI, Wednesday's links are here, and include a history of prosthetic limbs,  Aldous Huxley's birthday, why monks have strange haircuts, and what happens when you leave a tetherball hanging in the forest.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Bad taxidermy

There's a lot of bad taxidermy out there - here are a few examples, which I assume are a result of do-it-yourself attempts. There are links to lots more at the bottom of the post.

More here, herehere, here and here.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Wednesday links

It's Brave New World author Aldous Huxley's birthday.

10 Relics From the Horse-Powered City Hiding in Plain Sight

CNN headquarters was built on an abandoned psychedelic theme park. Kind of related: The Business of Building Roller Coasters.

ICYMI, Thursday's links are here, and include how baby flamingos become pink, the lengths taken to make Abraham Lincoln look good in photos, when Paris flooded in 1910, and why red M&M's disappeared for a decade.

Monday, July 24, 2017

What happens when you leave a tetherball hanging in the forest

This has been around since 2015, but somehow I missed it:

Per the poster's Facebook page:
Rambro the Angry Ram lives in a 100 acre forest near Nelson New Zealand with his female companion Ewenice and son Dodge ram.
He was relocated there after causing problems for his previous owner - breaking fences, gates, attacking dogs and people. 
He is now free to roam the hills with his family. He guards his new home with extreme violence, he occasionally meets up with forest owner Marty Todd who films their sometimes hilarious encounters.