Sunday, July 23, 2023

Roundup of funny colonoscopy videos

For those of us of a certain age, who have to think about these things...

The Colon is a Mighty Big River:

Here's to the Colorectal Surgeon:

Dave Barry on his colonoscopy. Article here.

From The Simpsons, Homer's colonoscopy:

The Colonoscopy Song - Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul and Mary:

Lou Rawls/Damon Wayans Colonoscopy Exam:

Polyp Man Sings and Dances on Ice (with Lyrics):

Update - Miss Cellania at Neatorama had posted this one a few years ago:
Gastroenterologist Patricia Raymond is also a comedienne known as The Divine Ms. Butt Meddler. Here she sings her way into your ...heart, with a song about what your first colonoscopy will be like. 

The same doctor borrowed the tune from The Street Where You Live from My Fair Lady:
The Hole In Your Rear (from the classic Broadway musical "My Fair Colon")