Friday, January 7, 2011


“The problem with Internet quotations is that many are not genuine.”
~Abraham Lincoln


  1. Very funny. "I like it!" Descartes

  2. I really liked Don's answer. The quote, "I like it!" is allegedly written by Descartes, the 17th century French philosopher, it being highly unlikely that a dead philosopher could actually write a comment on a blog entry about inauthentic quotations. Don thus demonstrates a true understanding of the quote, though he might, we feel, have made the quote itself more clearly inauthentic, given that Descartes may indeed, at some point, have said, "I like it," in some language.

    Don's smiling features (or at least, those of his miniature representation, if indeed it is Don) perfectly encapsulation the feeling of surprise and happiness that he must surely have felt as he typed his comment, bathed in understanding.

    Perhaps he is smiling still.

    We like to think so.

  3. He didn't say that! He died way before the internet.

  4. Abraham Lincoln certainly could have said this. If you check any big city telephone book you will find many listings for Abraham Lincoln.
