Thursday, January 2, 2014

From the archives: Must Listen: Woman's rant about gov't encouraging (via crossing signs) deer to cross busy roads

Woman calls into a North Dakota radio station to complain that the government should move those deer crossing signs to lower traffic areas - she's had three accidents because of deer crossing near the signs.

Please Move The Deer Crossing Signs


  1. Gotta be a troll. Gotta be.

  2. This lady has to be doing this as a gag. Note how unflappable she is.

  3. Funny, but I agree, she is absolutely trolling them.

  4. Hoax. AWESOME hoax.

  5. I think she's sexy.

  6. She cannot be serious. If she is, that's scary.

  7. This story has been around for ages. I bet a 10-point buck that this is "performance art."

    And if it is, it's a stellar job. I bow to her and say "I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!" a la Wayne's World.

  8. I hope this woman hasn't reproduced.

  9. She is totally baked.

  10. At 1:18 the caller laughs. I think she is unintentionally laughing at her own joke: she couldn't keep a straight face, so-to-speak.

    So she wasn't unflappable enough, though very entertaining.

    At 1:51, host explains that deer crossing aren't telling deers to cross and at 2:00 the reply is very weird, like an edit was made. The caller's tone and the words she chose to emphasize do not make sense in reply to the host. So either a part of the conversation was edited out or the caller was trying to redirect the conversation instead of addressing the issues that the host brought up. Most genuine people would ask "what do you mean?"

    at 2:53 - almost laughing at herself again
    At 3:11 - briefly laughs at herself again

    At 3:37 - "ah thank you we need to move those deer crossing signs" was rushed. Mission accomplished and time to get off the phone.


    "The missive garnered a good deal of public attention after it was read on the air by Tonight Show host Jay Leno in September 2011 and again when it was posted on the Facebook page of Star Trek actor George Takei in June 2012."

  12. And what about the rocks? All those signs that say "Beware of Falling Rocks." When are they going to move those away from the roads so the rocks will know to fall somewhere else?

  13. This woman suffers from Dunning-Kruger condition - - An all-too-common affliction these days.
