Monday, October 15, 2012

Underground sperm trade thrives in China

The eleven available sperm banks fail to accommodate the population of over 1.3 billion, leaving Chinese women less than satisfied.

Huang, the couple’s donor, channels the DIY ethic and injects the specimen himself. “I will keep my sperm in a small vacuum cup after masturbation, and then inject it into the wife’s body through a plastic injector” he says. He also claims to have much experience in the line of work. So much so that medical professionals are not required to assist in this procedure. Huang has so much belief in his conception abilities, that he recommends sexual intercourse would be his preferred method to success. This should surely restore some faith in expectant couples. And allow their husbands to sleep well.

It would be safe to say that the Chinese law does not cover this nor is this accepted as an advised method of reproducing. So please do not try this at home.

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