Sunday, July 31, 2016

Here's How You Can Lick Doberman's Leg Sores (and other journalism bloopers)

From Red Tape Holds Up New Bridge, a collection of newspaper bloopers collected by the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism: 

Former President Enters Dinah Shore

Babies Are What The Mother Eats

More of us will live to be centurions

Despite our best efforts, black employment is still rising

Retired priest may marry Springsteen

Homicide victims rarely talk to police

British left waffles on Falklands

Here's How You Can Lick Doberman's Leg Sores

Sisters reunited after 18 years in checkout line at supermarket

Sharon To Press His Suit In Israel

Man minus ear waives hearing

Blind Woman Gets New Kidney From Dad She Hasn't Seen In Years

Jerk Injures Neck, Wins Award
Students cook and serve grandparents.

Lots more hereThanks, Charlie.


  1. "Sisters reunited after 18 years in checkout line at supermarket"

    I think I've shopped at that store. :-)

  2. "Retired priest may marry Springsteen" is only seen as amusing because people commonly misuse "marry." The headline is in fact straightforward and correct. I did not marry my wife. My wife was married to me by a priest; the priest married me to my wife.
