Thursday, June 13, 2013

Science news of the blindingly obvious: men 'never stop being childish'

A study into the differences in maturity between genders revealed both men and women agree men remain 'immature' well into their late 30s and early 40s.

But the average age at which women mature emerged as 32.

Alarmingly, eight out of ten women believe that men 'never stop being childish' - with breaking wind, burping, eating fast food in the early hours and playing videogames their biggest bug-bears.

Staying silent during arguments, not being able to cook simple meals and re-telling the same old jokes and stories when with the lads were also hailed as signs of immaturity.


1.Finding their own farts and burps hilarious

2.Eating fast food at 2:00am

3.Playing videogames

4.Driving too fast or 'racing' another car at the lights or on the motorway

5.Sniggering a bit at rude words

6.Driving with loud music

7.Playing practical jokes

8.Trying to beat children at games and sport

9.Staying silent during an argument

10.Not being able to cook simple meals

11.Re-telling the same silly jokes and stories when with the lads

12.Don't like talking about themselves/ having proper conversations

13.Hating books/reading because of short attention span/they're boring

14.Doing crazy dance moves

15.Mum still doing their washing

16.Having their Mum still make them breakfast/any meal

17.Wearing trainers to night clubs

18.Owning a skateboard or BMX

19.Not eating vegetables

20.Changing jobs regularly

21.Getting too excited over stag do's

22.Sometimes trying to do wheelies/stunts on their bike

23.Driving a modified car or one with a loud exhaust/boy racer

24.Showing off about how girls are attracted to them

25.Wearing pyjamas, specifically cartoon pyjamas

26.Using dodgy chat-up lines

27.Showing off about protein shakes/weight-lifting/how much they 'lift'


29.Wearing saggy-crotched jeans

30.Having a cartoon bedspread

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