Monday, September 23, 2013

Wife Of 2012 London Tube Bomber, Reported To Be Leader of Nairobi Mall Massacre

This is according to Tweets by Al-Shabaab, the group claiming responsibility for the slaughter of 68 men, women, and children who were not able to recite an Islamic prayer or name the mother of the Muslim prophet, Mohammed. 

The Daily Mail reports:
The terror attack on a Kenyan shopping centre that has left 68 dead was being led by the white English widow of a 7/7 bomber, it was claimed last night. 
Soldiers said a white woman wearing a veil was shouting orders to gunmen in Arabic during the bloody massacre inside the Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi.
With horrific cruelty, they have reportedly cut the hands off the bodies of their victims and burned their faces to try to conceal their identities.
After the 7/7 bombing in 2012, The Telegraph reported excerpts from the White Widow’s diary.

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