Friday, December 13, 2013

Jonah Goldberg: The “keep your plan” lie just scratches the surface of the deception.

Jonah Goldberg writing at NRO - read the whole thing there.  Excerpts:

‘Obamacare was sold on a trinity of lies.”

That ornate phrase, more suitable for the Book of Revelations or perhaps the next installment of Game of Thrones, comes from my National Review colleague Rich Lowry. But I like it. Most people know the first deception in the triumvirate of deceit: “If you like your health insurance you can keep it, period.” The second leg in the tripod of deception was “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.”

But the third plank in the triad of disinformation hasn’t gotten much attention: Obamacare will save you, me, and the country a lot of money. This lie took several forms.

Obamacare may have been sold on a trinity of lies, but it turns out it’s also lies all the way down.

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