Thursday, January 30, 2014

Kids Build Fort, City Finds it Not Up to Code, Tears it Down

Read the whole thing.  Excerpts:

A group of kids learned a hard lesson about city codes Friday. Lee's Summit had to demolish the kids' creation because it wasn't compliant.

The Pergola neighborhood kids built a fort on an empty lot with scraps from construction on the surrounding larger homes.

"They don't care what it looks like. It's not about outer beauty, it's about the fun, the cohesion between the kids," said neighbor Chris Pate.

"My 6-year-old was pretty mad and said he didn't want to live in the city of Lee's Summit anymore. So I could understand that, he was very emotional," said neighbor Kim Sharp.

When some of the kids were told about the order to demolish the fort, two of them even put together and signed a petition to the city, saying:
"Dear City, Please do not tear this house down! We have all worked for almost a year on it, for hours and hours. We have all had fun climbing on it, camping in it, having picnics in it. Many happy memories were forged here. We all hope that it won't be torn down. So please don't tear it down!"
After a pizza party on Friday celebrating the joy the fort brought to kids in the neighborhood, they and their parents had to watch it come down. But they know the lessons they learned there are with them for life and the kids are ready for round two.

"Build another fort and move it somewhere else," Ben said.

There are already plans in the works to build a new fort, meeting city code and even getting an architect involved.


  1. Who wrote this tripe? Oh gee Timmy, this is a good lesson about the good government making you comply with building codes for a kid's fort. Next time, we'll involve an architect. Our country is doomed.

  2. They could have learned more valuable lessons by having a sit-in or chaining themselves to the fort. F U, govt.

  3. Give those kids some BB guns so they have the means to resist tyranny...

  4. I didn't even know cities had codes for kids forts. Whoever proposed those in the first place should be tarred and feathered followed by dragging from town behind a horse. I offer to pay to rent the horse.

    1. And I will be happy to ride that horse.

  5. Find out which neighbor snitched to the cops.

    1. Leave the cops out of this. Any cop with a hand in this would be a pariah in his agency. Only an office dwelling bureaucrat could be this asinine.

  6. George Orwell, we are getting closer to your world every day...

  7. Normally, these kids would go off the some leftist infested college and learn that the government is here to help you. Now they got an education for free, years earlier and a lot less painfully than if they first had to unlearn some claptrap first. They'd really be mad if they understood the main reason for the codes is da money!

  8. Maybe the kids will have a pick up baseball game in the empty lot. Then the athletic commision can come shut it down.
