Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A new video zombie survival guide made by zombies for zombies, with bonus roundup of zombie links

You always see survival guides showing us how to get through the zombie apocalypse, but advice for the zombies themselves is less common (although not entirely unavailable). Here at last is a short instructional video made by zombies for zombies:

Zombie Survival Guide from Bettina on Vimeo.

Related posts and links:

Death and Taxes... and Zombies: Tax implications of the zombie apocalypse and, related, Economics of the Undead: Zombies, Vampires and the Dismal Science.

This trailer for Zombeavers makes Sharknado look realistic and well acted.

The Pentagon is dead serious about its fake zombie apocalypse plan.

Analysis: The Best and Worst States for Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse.

The most comprehensive zombie classification chart ever.

The Real-Life Neuroscience Behind Zombies.

Zombies vs. animals? The living dead wouldn't stand a chance.

Zombified, An Interactive Behind the Scenes Look at How Zombies Are Created on The Walking Dead.

Full Length Zombie Movie Made By Physics Students At CERN: Does the Higgs Boson particle really turn people into zombies?

Undead Disney Princesses: Snow White, Ariel & Cinderella as Zombies.

'Walking corpse syndrome': mental disorder wherein people think they're zombies.

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