Sunday, November 22, 2015

Do You Have What it Takes to Win This Testicle Beauty Pageant?

Other than the word testicles, I don't think that there's anything unsafe for work in this post - if you follow the links, all bets are off.

You, yes you, could win $5,000 in this beauty contest for your balls.
The man who brought you the famous vaginal beauty contest in order to create his baffling three-orifice sex toy hasn't forgotten about you, gents. This time around, he's encouraging the men of the world to nominate their balls via photo submissions on his site, where users can rank which pair reigns supreme. But it's not just for street cred: the first place winner will collect $5,000, the second place $3,000, and the third $2,000.

If you win, your naughty bits will then be 3D-scanned and their likeness forever immortalized in novelty items like doorstops and paper weights.
Lots more here. 

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