Friday, March 25, 2016

Friday links

Videos of violence against marshmallow peeps, including peeps vs. .50 Caliber Rifle Parts 1 and 2, plus Artworks Made From Peeps and instructions for making a Peep chandelier

Disturbing photos of Easter Bunnies with kids.

Peeps on Television: 20 Shows Starring Marshmallow Peeps.

Prepare to be offended: Easter cards from The Onion.

ICYMI, Wednesday's links are here, and include the physics of Superman's x-ray vision, movie scenes before and after special effects are added, the evolution of the Batmobile, a map of imperial Europe's penal colonies, and, for Purim, the SNL skit where Gilda Radner explains that she saves up all of her orgasms for that holiday.

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