Saturday, November 25, 2017

A Slingshot That Launches Swords

Slingshot guru Jorge Sprave of the Slingshot Channel:

Here's The Full Auto Pencil Shooter Ballistic Jelly Massacre:

And here's how to turn a drill into a monster shotgun:

h/t Dyspepsia Generation

Friday, November 24, 2017

Friday links

Kids re-enact the first Black Friday.

Tomorrow, November 25 is "Evacuation Day (wiki), when the British ran 'way" from New York City at the end of the Revolutionary War. Here's the story of the young man who slithered up a greased flagpole to rip down the British flag.

Getting angry and flipping over a table: the supercut.

The Serial-Killer Detector - A former journalist, equipped with an algorithm and the largest collection of murder records in the country, finds patterns in crime.

Cat and Dog Research. Including two studies on how dogs affect their owner's urine.

ICYMI, Thursday's links consisted of a boatload of obscure Thanksgiving-related material.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Radical Christians (cartoon)

From the department of Things That Will Never Happen:

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving links

Time to invite the neighbors to dinner, kill them, and take their land. 

Here's a huge roundup of Thanksgiving links: how turkey got its name, why the Lions and Cowboys always play, Ben Franklin's account of the first Thanksgiving, Buffy Thanksgiving episode ("ritual sacrifice, with pie"), Mark Twain, science, the Thanksgiving birthday pattern, WKRP turkey giveaway ("as God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly"), Cicero, the best turkey fryer PSA ever, and lots more.

'A Day of Thanksgiving and Praise': Remembering President Lincoln's 1863 Thanksgiving proclamation.

Weird Incidents Involving Wild Turkeys, and a Scientific Look at How Female Turkeys Choose Their Mates (and avoid the unwanted ones).

A definitive ranking of Thanksgiving sides, taking into account the availability theorem and the leftover theorem. Related, this map of side dishes by region.
Have an excellent Thanksgiving, and be good to all of those people you're thankful for!

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Getting angry and flipping over a table: the supercut

Has film brought us a better short hand for "uncontrollable anger" than the table flip? Watch full screen!

Cinematic Table Flips from Roman Holiday on Vimeo.

The films used in this table flipping montage:

00:05 - Angel's In The Outfield (1994)
00:12 - A Clockwork Orange (1971)
00:13 - Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1984)
00:15 - Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)
00:16 - Once Upon A Time In Mexico (2003)
00:17 - Taken (2008)
00:18 - Pulp Fiction (1994)
00:20 - Die Hard (1988)
00:21 - Citizen Kane (1941)
00:22 - Magnolia (1999)
00:24 - The King Of Kings (1927)
00:25 - Jesus Christ Superstar (1973)
00:31 - Jesus (1999)
00:38 - Happily Ever After (2007)
00:46 - Thor (2011)
00:51 - Moneyball (2011)
00:56 - Moonstruck (1987)
00:58 - The Sea Hawk (1940)
01:00 - The Gospel Of John (2003)
01:01 - Pollock (2000)
01:03 - Jesus Of Montreal (1989)
01:04 - P.S. Your Cat Is Dead! (2002)
01:06 - The Artist (2011)
01:07 - Raging Bull (1980)
01:08 - Son Of Frankenstein (1939)
01:10 - The Adventures Of Robin Hood (1938)
01:11 - Peter Pan (1953)
01:13 - Titanic (1997)
01:14 - Splice (2009)
01:15 - The Greatest Story Ever Told (1965)
01:17 - Red Lights (2012)
01:18 - Being John Malkovich (1999)
01:21 - Scum (1979)
01:27 - Take Shelter (2011)

Music: Carmen Overture - Georges Bizet

via io9.

Tuesday links

A Thanksgiving miscellany: Mark Twain, science, WKRP, Cicero, the best turkey fryer PSA ever, more.

For those of us born between the 22nd and 28th and have always wondered, here's how it works: The Thanksgiving Birthday Pattern.

Advice from c. 1200: How to Survive the Winter.

This Celebrity Perv Apology Generator is my new favorite thing.

Recreating the diet of a 17th century sailor.

ICYMI, Monday's links are here, and include color photos of the 1939 NY World's Fair, the traditional drunken turkey recipe, enginneering the world's largest telescope, and President James Garfield's birthday (when he was shot, Alexander Graham Bell showed up with a metal detector to try to locate the bullet).

Monday, November 20, 2017

Monday links

Yesterday was President James Garfield's birthday - when he was shot, Alexander Graham Bell showed up with a metal detector to try to locate the bullet.

The Astounding Engineering Behind the World's Largest Optical Telescope.

The traditional drunken turkey recipe.

Farmers urged to bury their underpants to improve quality of their beef.

ICYMI, Friday's links are here, and include the anniversaries of the Gettysburg Address and the opening of the Suez Canal, 3 foot long crabs that hunt birds, the pigeon’s rump cure for childhood seizures, and what it's like to be an "fake" reviewer.