Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Wednesday links

Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day, me hearties! Instructions, translators, and the Dave Barry column that started it all.

The Great British Hedgehog Census.

Swirling your wine is not pretentious; it's just good physics. My favorite part is how the analysis of the physics became someone's PhD dissertation.

Hey, Firefly fans - tomorrow is Unification Day

Found: A 1699 "Beard Tax" Coin That Stopped the Tsar’s Police From Shaving You.

ICYMI, Tuesday's links are here, and include Great Britain's network of secret nuclear bunkers, the Night of the Flaming Ballerinas, the man who cut out his own appendix, inventing a longer-lasting popsicle, and, for Dr. Samuel Johnson's birthday, a selection of his excellent insults and Scotland-bashing quotes.

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