Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Wednesday links

October 10th, 732 is the anniversary of the clash of civilizations at the Battle of Tours.

Throwing Knives Is Growing More Popular. Here’s How to Get Started

When drug lord Pablo Escobar was shot dead in 1993, his four hippopotamuses were left to fend for themselves in a pond. Now, there are dozens of them.

100 years ago - Why October 1918 Was America's Deadliest Month Ever: "By the time it abated in 1920, the Spanish flu had killed 675,000 Americans and left hundreds of thousands of children orphaned. Not only did more Americans die of the Spanish flu than in World War I, more died than in all the wars of the 20th century combined. Globally, the pandemic infected a third of the planet’s population and killed an estimated 50 million people."

The Century-Long Scientific Journey of the Affordable Grocery Store Orchid.

ICYMI, Monday's links are here, and include DIY colonoscopies (plus a roundup of funny colonoscopy videos), the vegetable peeler that changed the world, the 2018 World Snail Racing Championship, and, from the late 1800s, a list of reasons for admission to an insane asylum.

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