Thursday, April 18, 2019

Thursday links

T'was the eighteenth of April in seventy-five: The midnight ride of William Dawes and Samuel Prescott (and Paul Revere)

Coverage of the annual Sasquatch Calling Festival.

On April 18, 1906, an earthquake and fire destroyed 80% of San Francisco: here's a documentary, Library of Congress footage of the destruction, and side by side film of Market Street four days before the earthquake compared to afterward.

The Village Where They Pelt a Man in a Monster Costume With 30 Tons of Turnips.

The McDonalds Monopoly Fraud: from 1995 to 2001, there was only one real winner - Uncle Jerry.

ICYMI, Monday's links are here, and include beer can history, how to dismantle a nuclear missile, Leonardo DaVinci's resume, tax-related links, and the anniversary of Lincoln's assassination (with a televised eyewitness report from 1956).

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