Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Some science of Thanksgiving links

The Genetics of White Meat and Dark Meat from Scientific American

Tyrannosaurus Rex Had a Wishbone from Smithsonian's Dinosaur Tracking blog

Why Arsenic is Used in Turkey Processing, and Why It's Not Worth the Risk, an LA Times essay by Deborah Blum, author of The Poisoner's Handbook

A Genetically Modified Thanksgiving from Popular Science

The Genetic Origins of Snood Erections from The Annals of Improbable Resarch

A 3-Dimensional Cosehedron-Shaped Pecan Pie, and other Thanksgiving DIY projects from Popular Mechanics

Animation, based on CT scans, showing how the snood (the weird floppy thing on the face of a male turkey) is connected to the blood vessels that allow it to engorge.

via BoingBoing.

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