Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Brilliant, excellent Hiawatha parody

This must have been a huge effort.

One of the verses:

Far from loving fields and flowers
And the odor of the forest
As one reads in all the textbooks
Hiawatha hated woodlands
And the animals one finds there,
Whom he felt were always pooping,
And the plants the critters fed on
Down in dank and swampy bottoms,
Nearly perfect grounds for breeding
Mighty hordes of great mosquitoes
Who were always lean and hungry
And equipped with maps and radar
Could detect where you were hiding
To inflict their bites and torments,
With their sneaky friends the black flies,
And their angry friends the green flies,
And the rocks ensnared by tree roots
That existed just to trip you
And would look improved as concrete
In foundation for a condo.

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