Saturday, October 20, 2012

Benghazi: What Did The President Know And When Did He Know It?

Read the whole thing at IBD:

Cover-Up: America's slain ambassador in Libya repeatedly sought security which went unheeded, new documents show. The CIA, meanwhile, told Washington within 24 hours that the Benghazi attack was terrorism. So where was our president?

The sorry answer is that it's starting to look as though he and his team knew all along that the attack in Libya was a terrorism from the start.

That hasn't been what he's presented to the public. But instead of owning up to it, the White House has perpetrated the red herring that a old YouTube video depicting Islam in a bad light was the real reason, because calling terrorism terrorism would reveal their their Middle East policy failure.

And this:

It's not just outrageous to attempt to fool U.S. voters in this way, it's an absolutely incompetent to allow such a denial to reach the ears of terrorists.

Apparently, word of the charade is getting to them. In an absolutely grotesque two-hour interview published in the New York Times Thursday, Ahmed Abu Khattala, identified by U.S. intelligence as the leader of Ansar al-Shariah, the Libyan Islamofascist militia believed to have led the terrorist attack, brazenly told the New York Times over a strawberry frappe in a Benghazi luxury hotel that he wasn't hiding and didn't have any plan to stay out of sight.

That's a sign of weakness, and a president who can't bear to admit the truth to voters. That puts terrorists in a position of strength and compounds the president's errors unforgivably.

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