Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Lockheed will illegally delay sending WARN layoff notices until after the election

Per Obama "guidance", the new strong-arming!

The guidance also said the federal government would cover severance costs that are mandated under a federal layoff notices law.

The decision by Lockheed means tens of thousands won’t get layoff notices days before Election Day, which might have cast a crucial blow against President Obama’s reelection chances.

Republicans argue that last week’s guidance was a politically motivated effort by the administration to protect Obama ahead of the election.

And from Doug Powers at Malkin: What’s not being answered is this: The Obama administration is arguing that the WARN Act isn’t applicable in cases involving sequestration. If that’s true, why are they putting taxpayers on the hook to cover costs the WARN Act mandates if that law doesn’t apply to this situation?

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