Sunday, February 17, 2013

Germany And Spain Throw Green Energy Under the Bus

Voters in Germany and Spain are getting tired of paying the huge subsidies, according to the WSJ:

Fearing a voter backlash from anger over the lopsided financing of green energy, Ms. Merkel’s government on Thursday proposed putting a cap on the green-energy surcharge until the end of 2014 and then restricting any rise in the surcharge after that to no more than 2.5% a year. The government also plans to tighten exemptions, which would force more companies to pay, and achieve a cut in green subsidies of €1.8 billion ($2.42 billion). The plan is a quick fix pending comprehensive reform after the election, government officials said.

Just a reminder: If renewable energy eventually becomes viable, it won’t need subsidies.  via American Interest.

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