Monday, March 11, 2013

Glenn Reynolds column: Public school insanity

When schools and teachers react hysterically to such non-threats, they're telling us one of two things: Either that they lack the ability to respond realistically to events or that they recognize that there's not any sort of threat, but deliberately overreact in order to stigmatize even the idea of guns. The first is educational malpractice; the second is educational malpractice mixed with abuse of power. Neither inspires confidence in the educational system in which they appear.


  1. " The first is educational malpractice; the second is educational malpractice mixed with abuse of power."

    I'm certain there is some of this in play, but other explanations are in play as well.

    1. The school officials might just be really uniformed about fire arms.

    2. Risk adversity: They expect no punishment from over reacting but might be in troube if they under-react.

    Our local grade school has a lockdown over finding an empty .22 shell in a hallway.

  2. I think you're right about #2. There's also stupidity.
