Friday, September 13, 2013

Kim Dotcom sues New Zealand gov over FBI-ordered raid

January 20, 2012: The police's anti-terrorist squad make an airborne assault on the mansion of Kim Dotcom as part of an FBI copyright criminal investigation.
June 2012: The High Court rules the search warrant for the raid was unlawful and the search was illegal.
August 2012: The police officer who led the operation refuses to name people involved in planning the raid ``because of the nature of the work they do''.
September 2012: The mystery group are revealed as operatives for the Government Communications Security Bureau. The spying they did was illegal, forcing an apology from the Prime Minister.
April 2013: Papers are lodged with the High Court at Auckland seeking damages and compensation for the raid.
Taxpayers face a $6 million bill in damages over the unlawful raid and illegal spying on Kim Dotcom and others.

Legal papers filed with the High Court allege an "excessively aggressive and invasive approach" by police during a raid on Dotcom's mansion 18 months ago.

They also accuse Deputy Prime Minister Bill English of acting unlawfully in trying to cover up the spying by the GCSB before the raid.

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