Sunday, December 9, 2018

Lots of ugly Christmas sweaters, instructions for making your own, plus ugly Christmas sweater suits.

Ugly sweater for two available here.
In the phrase "ugly Christmas sweater," the word "ugly" is a term of art, a description rather than a put-down. One wears an ugly Christmas sweater precisely because it is so over the top, crammed with images of weighted-down Christmas trees, cartoony reindeer, red-cheeked Santas, and leering snowmen. Sequins are encouraged, as are lights. And if the sweater is three-dimensional, all the better.

There are currently 314,601 listings on eBay for "ugly Christmas sweater".

Want to tart up your own outfit? Try this light-up LED Christmas bulb necklace.

New and improved: Ugly Christmas Sweater suits:

A few favorites:

For Second Amendment types (Molon Labe ("Come and take them") was Leonidas' response to Xerxes when asked to surrender weapons at the battle of Thermopylae):

Wanna go the cheap route? The are lots of DIY kits, here's how to make your own - more ideas here and here. More photos here. And check out Collector's Weekly's All-Time Ugliest Christmas Sweaters.

And, of course, there are ugly Happy Chanukah sweaters:


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