Friday, July 4, 2014

4th of July links

Independence Day links: the most bad-ass founding fathers, forgotten founding fathers, how news reports of independence spread in 1776, Independence Days from sci-fi, and the top 10 movies for today. And for inspiration: the full text of the Declaration of Independence, excellent speeches from Coolidge (1926) and Reagan (1986) and (my favorite) from Lincoln in 1858: "Let us stick to it then. Let us stand firmly by it then."

Videos: The Science of Fireworks and of Barbecue.

PBS's description of various fireworks effects, and a quiz.

America The Beautiful: the story of the song.

ICYMI, Monday's links are here, and include a map of the hometowns of Marvel superheros, the science of mermaids and of chocolate chip cookies, and a video showing how to peel an entire bag of potatoes in under a minute.

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