Thursday, January 15, 2015

Watch Thousands of Mouse Traps and Ping Pong Balls Set Off a Spectacular Chain Reaction

Apparently this is a Pepsi commercial - very cool, nonetheless. 

Using really humble and basic ingredients, namely a lot of ping-pong balls and standard household mouse traps, London-based art directors and filmmakers Harriman Steel created a spectacular chain reaction to celebrate the beginning of 2015. The video, which was filmed to advertise the Pepsi Max drink, was done in-camera with no special effects and a a lot of patience. "This shoot was optimistic at best and insane at worst, but then if it was going to be straight forward and easy it probably wouldn't have been worth doing in the first place. Everyone involved on the shoot rose to the challenge to deliver a film that is as beautiful as it is unbelievable."

Update - as an anonymous commenter pointed out:
Back in the sixties, when you could actually learn something watching Disney, there was a discussion of nuclear fission in which they set up this same exact illustration. Of course, none of these people congratulating themselves were born at the time so we oldsters might forgive them for acting like they just landed a man on the moon.
Here's the video he references: if you don't want to watch the whole thing, start at the 5:30 mark:


  1. Back in the sixties, when you could actually learn something watching Disney, there was a discussion of nuclear fission in which they set up this same exact illustration. Of course, none of these people congratulating themselves were born at the time so we oldsters might forgive them for acting like they just landed a man on the moon.

  2. Here it is.

    1. Thanks for that - I updated the post to reflect it.

  3. I like how in that Disney feature they appear to be handling radioactive material with their bare hands.
