Friday, February 27, 2015

My appetite is sick, for want of a Capacity to digest your Favors: Advice from 1713 on sweet talking your man

Charles Sackville, The New Academy of Complements, excerpts:

"Complemental Expressions towards Men Leading to the Art of Courtship":

Sir, I am daily in disquiet, and shall be, till some occasion be offered me suddenly wherein I may appear to You to be more than Verbal.

Sir, Your good Goodness wants a resident.

Sir, I shall study to Chronicle Your Vertues.

Sir, You are so highly Noble, that Your Purse is my Exchequer.

Sir, Be confident of my Affection, while I have room to lodge You in my Bosom.

Sir, Sleep is not more welcome to the wearied Traveller, than thou art to my House.

Sir, Without you, the State's necessities increase.

Sir, my appetite is sick, for want of a Capacity to digest your Favors. 

How to Invite a Man Home - advice from 1642

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