Sunday, March 22, 2015

Video of the slowest chase scene ever: guy interrupts mating giant tortoises, gets chased away by male

National Geographic expedition leader Paul Rose is in the Seychelles:
Rose, who was part of a “Pristine Seas” expedition on a small island in the Indian Ocean republic, became involved in what the network described as “the slowest chase ever” after being sniffed out by two giant tortoises that were mating.
The male didn’t care for the intrusion–who would?–so it turned toward Rose and went after him, slowly but relentlessly, across the island landscape.

“This is what you’d call dogged tortoise determination,” Rose says, while backing away during a chase that covered 400 yards. “[But] he hasn’t seen my finishing sprint yet.”
Once Rose was coaxed a safe distance away, the tortoise turned and beat a hasty retreat back to the female. Well, it wandered back as quickly as it could. Presumably, the female was still waiting in the bushes.

1 comment:

  1. I wish the tortise had caught the annoying guy and taken a bite out.
