Friday, July 15, 2016

Friday links

Scary-Ass Cow Science: Scientist Draws Eyes on Cow Butts to Protect Them from Lions.

How far would you go for science? Would you shove jellyfish tentacles under your arms?

These Guys Just Built the World’s Largest Nerf Gun.

Bad taxidermy.

Exactly How Much Of His Ear Did Vincent Van Gogh Slice Off?

Testing Mobility in Medieval Armor. Related: a gallery of Medieval Suits of Armor.

ICYMI, Thursday's links are here, and include a history of trial by combat, a letter from Kurt Vonnegut in 1988 to the Ladies & Gentlemen of A.D. 2088, Bastille Day, the library that the U.S.-Canada border runs through, and how to cook a pig in the ground.

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