Thursday, August 18, 2016

Australian wildlife update: football-sized goldfish invading waterways (with bonus Aussie wildlife links)

There's lots of over-the-top wildlife in Australia, in addition to the cane toad (wiki). 

Unwanted former pet goldfish that have grown to the size of footballs are travelling hundreds of kilometres through Western Australian waterways, new research has found.
Weighing up to 1.9kg, the goldfish enter river systems after being dumped from aquariums into catchment lakes.
Once established they are difficult to eradicate and damage Australian ecosystems, Murdoch University researchers have found.
Australia has way too much weird wildlife. Remember this?: Python Caught on Camera Eating a Crocodile After 5 Hour Battle:

 And this spider web forest:

Plus a spider big (and mean) enough to eat snakes:

And Feral Camels Plague Australian Outback:

The 1.5 billion poisonous cane toads (wiki) are the most famous of the outrageous Aussie wildlife:

Here's a brief (4 minute) BBC video on them:

And the snakes are adapting so that they can eat the poisonous cane toads:

As if all that wasn't enough, they also have firenados:

Feel free to provide your own favorite Aussie wildlife stories in the comments, and I'll update this post.

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