Friday, January 25, 2019

Friday links

Scots, wha hae - Happy Burns Day! Here's a bio of Scotland's "prince of poets" Robert Burns, plus Braveheart, Burns Supper instructions,and lots of haggis.

How a Group of Bootleggers Created NASCAR.

Identical twins send samples to 5 DNA ancestry companies, get some odd results.

This weekend - January 26th is Australia Day, and on January 27, 1945, the Soviet Army liberated Auschwitz.

A surprising number of people have operated on themselves.

My new favorite conspiracy theory.

ICYMI, Thursday's links are here, and include kite-drawn carriages from 1822, the history of the master bathroom, milking scorpions by hand, and a Bill of Mortality showing the deaths in London for the week of Aug 15 - 22, 1665.

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