Friday, February 1, 2019

Friday links

February links - pagan Roman purification (februa = purify) and Mary's purification 40 days after the birth of Christ.

Don't like what the groundhog has to say? It's probably wrong - Punxsutawney Phil has been correct just 39% of the time since 1887. 

Jonah's classic Groundhog Day column - A Movie For All Time.

As Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell take off down the street once Groundhog Day has ended, Nat "King" Cole is singing Almost Like Being In Love - here's Mark Steyn with a history of that song.

ICYMI, Tuesday's links are here, and include the cow toilet, 1915 footage of Monet, Renoir, Rodin & Degas and PSAs on movie theater etiquette from that era, what it's like to be declared dead by the government, and W. C. Fields' birthday (including a "best of" compilation).

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