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Saturday, December 10, 2016

New Guinness record-setting Rube Goldberg machine takes 412 steps to light a Christmas tree

A new Guinness world record-setting Rube Goldberg machine (wiki) just in time for Christmas - watch the municipal Christmas tree in Riga, Latvia, get switched on by a process requiring 412 steps and 10 minutes to complete (the video is condensed), bettering the previous record of 382 steps achieved in Hungary back in April 2015. The company Scandiweb sponsored the record-setting chain reaction that Guinness has enshrined as the World's Largest Rube Goldberg Machine

The principle of a Rube Goldberg machine (wiki) is to complete a simple task in the most complicated way possible. This attempt featured a diverse range of devices including traditional parts like wheels, levers and balls, as well as more unusual items like a fan and coffee maker.
The finale was initiated by a sound meter that was triggered by the shouts and screams of the guests.

Sort of related video: Rube Goldberg's Passover Seder

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