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Friday, June 6, 2014

Friday links

D-Day plus 25,567: quotes (Shakespeare, Eisenhower, Churchill, more), videos (footage, FDR's and Reagan's speeches, more), lots of links.

How large would a flock of birds need to be before it collapsed under the weight of its own gravity?

How Many Fictional Planets Do You Know? Take the test - it's more difficult than I thought it would be.

For $20K, Game of Thrones Author Will Write You Into Future Novel Then Kill You Off In A Grisly Manner.

Gimmicks designed to disguise lack of demand and customer sales: Where the World's Unsold Cars Go To Die. (Update: per commenters here and at The Corner, this has been somewhat debunked by Snopes)

Pool Guy Saves Drowning Squirrel’s Life With CPR.

ICYMI, Thursday's links are here, including crab-castrating parasites, the thermodynamics and chemistry of barbecue, and Mozart's scatological humor.

1 comment:

  1. Snopes lists the "unsold cars" story as false.
