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Saturday, June 11, 2011
China ratings house says US already defaulting
via Mark Steyn at The Corner, who says, "Geithner and Bernanke can protest all they want that debauching the currency and the left hand buying the right hand’s debt and quantitively easing yourself all day long like Congressman Weiner is so totally not like defaulting. But, if the dwindling ranks of buyers of Treasury debt around the world come to see it like that, that’s what counts."
Friday, June 10, 2011
TGIF links
Amazing paper sculptures. Related, the Book Surgeon. Also, Van Gogh’s Wheatfield with Cypresses Recreated with 8,000 Living Plants
Teen’s dad spends school year waving at bus, embarrassing son. In a different costume every day.
Edison-Era Inventions Emerge From the Vaults of General Electric.
Woman sues ex-fiance after falling and impaling herself on a fence while peeing from his veranda.
Utility giant AEP will close 5 coal plants to comply with EPA regs
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Are Democrats more likely to be corrupt?
Henninger: Obama's Worst Week, Pawlenty's Best
Thursday links
Giant Transformers sculptures from old car parts.
Are the Smurfs Crypto-Fascists?
How can I make my own spaceship? And while you’re feeling creative, here’s how to make moonshine.
Is being left-handed actually a form of cognitive impairment?
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Deconstructing evidence based care
Tuesday links
How poor wiping habits can ruin a wedding.
Color photographs from the Great Depression era.
Unbreakable: Eight codes we can’t crack.
Meat product (OK, dog food) of the day: Holistic Gourmet Canned Beaver.
Color red increases speed and strength of reactions
New experiment shows both wave and particle nature of light
In an experiment reported in Science, researchers have now done exactly that.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Real Cost of Auto Bailouts: Bankruptcy Law
The car bailouts have sent the message that, if a politically important industry is in trouble, the government may step in, rearrange the existing creditors' normal priorities, and dictate the result it wants. Lenders will be very hesitant to extend credit under these conditions.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Glenn Reynolds: Hard to get good goons these days
But miners and steelworkers are one thing. When the public employees of, say, Wisconsin hit the streets, it looked more like a bunch of disgruntled DMV clerks and graduate teaching assistants, because, well, that's what it was.