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Friday, July 8, 2011

Quote from today's G-File

It was once considered better to live up to your ideal standards inconsistently, than to consistently live down to your lack of them.

In larger context:
Now, for me the really interesting discussion here is how this relates to the modern Left's obsession with hypocrisy. It was once considered better to live up to your ideal standards inconsistently, than to consistently live down to your lack of them. The logical upshot of liberalism's hatred of hypocrisy is that it is better for the liar to champion lying, the glutton to advocate gluttony, the adulterer to celebrate adultery, than for someone to preach the right thing if he himself occasionally does the wrong thing. Better to let your failings define you and be happy about it, than to let your ideals define you but then fall short of them, for that opens you up to the charge of hypocrisy (or inauthenticity, or denial, or whatever).

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